Ocean O₂ from CO₂
Oxygen on our planet, and crucially, in our oceans, is depleting.
It is caused by climate change, and making climate change worse.
And we don't know enough about it.
We need to study it, replenish it, and use it to reverse climate change.
Oxygen is always essential.
Our mission is to accelerate carbon removal and oxygen restoration of the ocean and air at gigaton levels
Let’s drawdown carbon, as nature intended
Revitalize ocean ecosystems
Mangroves, seagrasses, algae and wetlands are planetary workhorses. The unsung heroes of carbon sequestration, they are also potent photosynthesizers. Blue carbon is a core nature-based solution drawing down carbon and revitalizing oceanic oxygen.
Boost marine fungi
Marine fungi are a vital element in the carbon/oxygen cycle in the open ocean and other marine habitats including mangrove, sea grass, kelp and coral reefs. With <10% of species identified, they are under-studied and under-appreciated. Some marine fungi species thrive at anoxic/oxic interfaces and could be an accelerant in oxygen re-supply in these boundary regions through their relationships with phytoplankton.
Replenish oxygen by recycling carbon dioxide
Burying CO₂ in the ground accelerates silicate weathering which draws down O₂ long term. We need to focus on recycling CO₂ into O₂ through novel, scalable means. These methods have gigaton CO₂ drawdown potential, while replenishing O₂.